Review By Indian Money Bangalore Things You Must Know About Equity Investing

Investing is all about accumulating wealth over time. There are different types of investments. The return on investment varies across products. Investment returns can be market-linked or fixed. Equity investment means money is invested in a company by purchasing the shares of that company. As Per Indian money Review Equity investing is often considered as gambling because of the nature of operations. Return on investment is high, but involves a risk factor. Returns are dependent on market dynamics. It is an ideal investment to earn higher returns over a short period of time. Important Things to Know Before Investing in Equity Funds Uncertainty is the underlying feature of equity investments. Equity investing means investing in the future of a business. There is no defined rule to decide which business would succeed or fail. This means, you don’t know beforehand how your investment will perform in the future. This makes it scary, thrilling and risky at the same ti...